What is Yoga Therapy?

What is Yoga Therapy?

A lot of people ask me, WHAT IS YOGA THERAPY?

Yoga therapy is the process of empowering individuals to progress toward improved health and well-being through the application of the teachings and practices of Yoga.”

-International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT)

Are you curious about what a yoga therapy session involves? The International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT) provides a simple definition of yoga therapy, but it’s not enough to prepare you for an actual session. With various styles and modalities, yoga therapy can be prescriptive and use different poses to treat various ailments. As a Phoenix Rising Yoga therapist (PRYT), I specialize in a unique body-based style of Yoga therapy.

My teacher describes PRYT as

“Combining breathwork, gentle poses, meditation, and guided self-inquiry, designed to help practitioners safely embrace their physical limits in order to gain mental and emotional insights into themselves. It does not replace psychotherapy (talk therapy), but rather provides a somatic pathway to a deeper understanding of the self.”

-Michael Lee, Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy

So, what does a typical yoga therapy session look like with me? I start each session with a warm-up to connect your body and breath and prepare for the simple yoga poses that follow. These poses, often supported with props and can be practiced while lying down, are followed by a rest pose, a short meditation, and an opportunity to reflect on any insights gained from the session.

During the session, we’ll explore “the edge,” a feeling of discomfort during a pose that allows you to focus and connect with your body. You’ll become more aware of your body’s sensations, thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and guide yourself to embrace whatever you notice in your body.

With simple poses like bridge, cobra, and supine twist, we’ll achieve the state of “dropping in,” where you feel a deep connection with your body, slow down your thoughts, and observe your sensations and emotions without explanation. This state is followed by savasana, where you’ll relax and integrate the experience.

The 6 Phases in a PRYT Session

  1. Warm-Up

    The warm-up is all about connecting your body and your breath. It’s like a little dance that gets you ready for the poses that come next. 

  2. Edge Coaching

    When you experience discomfort, such as during a yoga pose, being present in that moment can help you focus and connect with your body. This feeling of discomfort is referred to as “the edge,” where you can feel the sensation without being overwhelmed and can remain present. In this state, you can become more aware of your body’s sensations, thoughts, feelings, and emotions. 

  3. Dropping In

    “Dropping in” is a state where you feel a deep connection with your body. Your thoughts slow down and you become aware of the sensations and emotions arising within you. In this state, you can observe these sensations and emotions without the need to explain or attach any meaning to them. You are guided to embrace whatever you notice in your body.

    This state is achieved through simple poses like bridge, cobra, and supine twist, which are then followed by savasana.

  4. Meditation

    Reaching a meditative state is easier after body-breath work. The mind is quietened and can be centered. During meditation, you can tune in to your body and your breath. The meditation is primarily breathwork. 

  5. Listen to your body

    When you connect deeply to your body you might notice thoughts, feelings, and maybe images arising. This can provide insight.

  6. Insight to action 

    At the end of the session, we will explore some ways in which you can effectively integrate these valuable insights into your daily routine. For example we could consider mindfulness exercises and journaling. We may talk about what holds you back from achieving your goals and discuss actionable steps you can take to move forward. This will help you to make the most of your experience.

What Can Yoga Therapy Do for You?

♡ Reconnect with yourself

Are you feeling disconnected from yourself? Do you find yourself struggling to navigate through life changes? Yoga therapy can help! By combining modern psychology and mindfulness techniques, yoga therapy can help you connect with your body on a deeper level. 

♡ Navigate change

Through yoga therapy, you can gain clarity and discover what is holding you back from living your best life. You can learn how to navigate change and move from feeling stuck to feeling fulfilled. 

♡ Live a life more fulfilled

By investing in yourself and practicing self-care, you can befriend your body and discover what it looks like to be your best self. When you know and understand yourself, you can find the path that allows you to flourish and thrive. 

♡ Let transformation happen

Don’t let stress and trauma hold you back any longer. Take the first step towards a more fulfilling life today with yoga therapy.

In conclusion, my unique PRYT style of yoga therapy is designed to create a safe space to explore your physical, mental, and emotional limits. It’s an opportunity to connect with your body, gain insights into yourself, and achieve a deeper understanding of the self.

Let’s connect and you can find out more about my sessions.

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