How to Unblock Your Sacral Chakra
Second of the chakras, in sanskrit svadhishthana means where your being is established. Swa or sva means self and adhishthana means established.
Tell me about the Sacral Chakra?
The sacral chakra is associated with water and gives rise to flow, flexibility, and fun. Its all about creativity, sexual energy, sensuality, pleasure and enjoyment of life. Someone with a balanced sacral chakra radiates warmth, confidence, and generosity.
The sacral chakra is all about creative expression, so it makes sense that tapping into your artistic side and doing something creative would help open up this energy center.
Where is the Sacral Chakra?
The sacral chakra is found in the sacral area of the abdomen, pelvis, and genital region. It governs the lymphatic and circulatory systems, reproductive organs, bladder, kidney, and large intestines.
If the sacral chakra is out of balance
feelings of fear
emotional instability
unhealthy attachments
poor boundary setting
loss of creativity
addictive behaviours
sexual dysfunction
reproductive issues
Physical symptoms of imbalance
pain and stiffness in the lower back and hips
low back pain
urinary and kidney problems
ovarian cysts
other reproductive issues
urinary tract infections
pain during intercourse
pelvic–lower abdominal issues
What to do for Imbalance
Sit comfortably and spend a few moments focusing your awareness on sensations in your physical body and your breath. Once you feel your attention moving inward, bring that focus to your lower abdomen and pelvic region. Breathe and notice. As you inhale, feel your body change shape with the expansion of your inhale, and return to normal as you breathe out. Visualize a little ball of faint orange light behind your belly button. With every inhale, let the ball of light grow bigger and brighter. As the light starts to fill your body, feel the sensations of warmth, and creativity. Allow that orange energy to fill your entire being.
2. Yoga
Hip-opening stretches like supine figure four
Lay flat on your back with your knees bent. Bring your right ankle to your opposite thigh and allow your right knee to fall gently forward. You can stay here if you feel a stretch, or reach around for the back of your left knee and draw both knees into your chest. Repeat on both sides.
Baddha Konasana, cobbler’s pose
Bhujangasana, cobra pose
Seated torso circles
Utkata Konasana, goddess pose
Ananda Balasana, happy baby pose
3. Chanting
Chanting or toning sounds can also help bring you back in balance. Sounds create vibrations in the body. The mantra sound that corresponds to the sacral chakra is VAM.
4. Aromatherapy
Lavender is the universal essential oil for nourishing all the chakras also recommended to fire up your creativity are;
ylang ylang
sweet orange
6. Positive Affirmations
Find an affirmation that resonates and repeat while meditating and say throughout the day
Inspiration is flowing through me
I invite joy into my life.
I embrace intimacy.
I am a creative being.
I welcome sensuality into my life.
I am a lovable and desirable being.
I am comfortable in my own skin.
I allow my creativity to flow through me.
I breathe in powerful golden light.
I feel powerful in embracing my sexuality.
I am grateful for the joy of being me.
I trust my feelings
I celebrate my sexuality.
I am radiant, beautiful and creative.
I attract people who support and love me for who I am.
I am creative, passionate, and inspired.
I feel joyful, energetic, and alive.
I am at home in my body.
My creativity is endless.
I deserve to be joyful.
I make space in my life for play.
I embrace intimacy with others.
I can only control my own actions and that is enough.
I am worthy of being desired.
I am deserving of respect from myself and others.
I am open, honest, and compassionate.
7. Enriching Exercises
The sacral chakra is all about creative expression, so it makes sense that tapping into your artistic side and doing something creative would help open up this energy center. So whatever you like really, writing, baking, playing music, creating a garden, painting, quilting, knitting anything to get those creative juices flowing.
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