How to Unblock Your Throat Chakra
Fifth of the chakras, in sanskrit, Vishuddha is found in the throat, governing both truth-telling…
How to Unblock Your Heart Chakra
Fourth of the chakras, in sanskrit, Anahata means unhurt, unstruck and unbeaten. This chakra serves…
How to Unblock Your Solar Plexus Chakra
Third of the chakras, in sanskrit manipura. Translated means City of Jewels. Does inside our…
How to Unblock Your Sacral Chakra
Second of the chakras, in sanskrit svadhishthana means where your being is established. Swa or…
Yoga Therapy To Unblock Your Root Chakra
First of the chakras, in sanskrit muladhara. Mula means root and dhara means flux.Tell me…
The Chakras for Yoga Therapy
During my yoga teacher training, I learned about the chakras and blocked energy. Initially, this…
How to Calm Hot Flashes
Latest info on hot flashesHot flashes affect about 75% of women and are the main…
Start a Home Yoga Practice
You want to do some yoga at home but are not sure how to begin.…
The Best Eco Yoga Mats
Want to get started with some yoga? First things first, you need a mat. You could…