8 Yoga Poses for Menopause

8 Yoga Poses for Menopause

What is menopause?

Menopause is when your period stops for good. There are many symptoms, for example, hot flashes, brain fog and night sweats Here are 8 yoga poses that you can try to help with menopause symptoms.

Some Definitions

  • Peri-menopause 

Or menopause transition usually begins 8-10 years before menopause. The ovaries gradually begin to make less estrogen. It usually starts in your 40s but can start in your 30s or earlier. 

Peri-menopause lasts up until menopause. Menopause is when your ovaries stop releasing eggs. In the last 1 to 2 years of peri-menopause, the drop in estrogen speeds up, and you can start getting menopause symptoms. 

  • Menopause 

Is when your periods stop. It marks the end of your reproductive years. 

  • Post-menopause 

Women are post-menopausal when they have not had their period for a year.

What are the symptoms of menopause?

  1. Hot flashes

  2. Night sweats

  3. Brain fog/ memory problems

  4. Mood swings

  5. Depression/Anxiety

  6. Fatigue

  7. Insomnia

  8. Vaginal dryness

  9. Discomfort during sex

  10. Lower sex drive

Some facts about menopause

  • The symptoms and cultural significance of menopause are different around the world. For example, in Japan, women report symptoms of mainly joint & muscle problems but not hot flashes.

  • Hormone levels are influenced by how we eat, sleep, and exercise. A recent study has shown there is a direct relationship between diet and menopause symptoms. So eating lots of soy products in the traditional Japanese diet may be why Japanese women don’t seem to experience hot flashes like those in the West.

8 yoga poses to relieve menopause symptoms

  1. Forward bend

  2. Reclined bound angle

  3. Seated forward bend

  4. Legs up the wall

  5. Shoulder stand

  6. Triangle

  7. Bridge

  8. Plough

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What are the benefits of yoga for menopause?

Forward bends are good for anxiety, irritability and insomnia

Forward bends can help reduce anxiety, irritability, and mental tension. Folding forward and shutting out external stimuli can soothe the mind and reduce the effects of stress. Then the nervous system is signaled that all is well, and the adrenals and sympathetic nervous system stop working so hard.

  • Standing forward bend – generous bend in the knees and fold from the hips. Head loose and hang like a rag doll.

  • Seated forward bend – bend the knees if you need to, fold from the hips, put a pillow on your lap to support your upper body. Let your head hang, maybe build up the pillows to rest your forehead.

Backbends help with fatigue, supported backbends help with hot flashes

Gentle-supported backbends encourage the chest and the heart to open and bring renewed energy. It also improves respiration and circulation and helps lift spirits. Any tension in your body can make hot flashes worse. Use bolsters, blankets, or blocks to support your entire body. Reclined poses with proper support should cool and ease hot flashes.

  • Reclined bound angle pose – soles of the feet press together, legs open like a butterfly. Put pillows on the outside to support your legs as they open. Recline and use as many pillows you need to support your back. Your head can be level with your back there is no need for a big arch in the back bend.

Inversions help with depression & brain fog

Everything you do with your body can affect your thoughts and attitude. Sometimes something as subtle as a shift in posture can lighten a dark mood. Inversions can help improve a depressed mood. In effect, they are turning everything upside down. Of course being upside down also increases blood to the brain.

  • Legs up a wall – start by sitting sideways to the wall with your hip pressed against the wall. Lie back and swing the legs up. Use a pillow under your head if needed. This should feel comfortable.

  • Shoulder stand – inversion – helps with depression & brain fog

  • Triangle pose -is good for preventing osteoporosis, as it is weight-bearing. It stimulates the abdominal organs, including the reproductive organs, and calms the nervous system. It also helps reduce anxiety & can help digestive issues.

  • Bridge pose – back bend – helps with fatigue

  • Plough pose – inversion – helps with depression & brain fog

More therapeutic yoga to relieve menopause symptoms

  1. Positive self affirmations

These allow you to challenge negative thoughts and, by doing every day, can start to retrain the way you think. You remove the negative self-talk and increase self-esteem. Here are some examples of affirmations that resonate with me. But do try to make up affirmations that work for you. 

The morning is a time to create an intention for the day.

  • I am strong, capable & kind.

  • I have the power to change my story.

  • I am healthy, happy, and radiant.

  • I choose to respond to this challenge with grace and positivity.

  • I will not worry about tomorrow. I will enjoy today.

At night is a more reflective time. Perhaps a time for gratitude

I am grateful for my supportive family & friends.

I am grateful for the growth I experienced today.

2. Yoni mudra

Mudra means seal mark or gesture in Sanskrit. Mudras are practiced to intensify the effects of your yoga or meditation practice and enhance the flow of energy.  The Yoni Mudra is dedicated to the female Hindu goddess Shakti. Yoni means womb. The practice of Yoni Mudra brings strength and power.

You place your thumbs together and pointed upwards, index fingers together pointed downwards, press the other fingers together. Sit comfortably and follow your breath.

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